Monday, May 26, 2014

Natuurlijk, Hij is God! Waarom zeggen de volken: ‘Waar is die God van hen?’ Onze God is in de hemel, hij doet wat hem behaagt.

Tuesday, May 06, 2014

The truth as I see it....

The antidote to sadness is the truth. Tell yourself the truth. 
God is good. 
God loves me. 
God is in control. 
God the Father sent Jesus to rescue me. 
The Bible is full of truth. 
I am evil. If God doesn't save me from myself, I'll be a selfish God killer. 
The truth will set me free. 
I have hope and help in Jesus. 
God loves_________________ more than I ever could. 
God's plan is better than my plan. 
My hope is in the Lord. 
I have been given the mind of Christ. 
Jesus prayed for me. 
Faith is a gift from God. 
God has given me this gift. 
There is life after death. 
There is eternal death and judgement after death for those who refuse God's grace. 
God's grace is evident to all men. 
God's character can be seen in his creation. 
No one is has an excuse for not believing. 
God is patient. 
God is kind. 
God forgives freely. 
God is not shocked by my heart, or my children, or this situation. 
God knows what I need. 
I don't need what I think I need. 
God will supply all I need. 
God is more generous than anyone else. 
God is greater than all others. 
God deserves our praise. 
The first and most important command is to love God above all others and all else with all that I am. 
I continually break the most important command. 
God is worthy of worship. 
God is all powerful. 
God is all knowing. 
God is everywhere. 
God's plan is perfect. 
Nothing can thwart God's plan. 
The cross of Christ was plan "A", there is no plan "B". 
I must suffer. 
All who follow Jesus must suffer. 
If we go the way of Jesus, we must humble ourselves and serve our enemies. 
In the Bible I find the words of life. 
The Bible tells me about me, the world and most importantly, God. 
I live in a world full of spiritual battle. 
There are angels, demons and spiritual beings waging war around me. 
God's enemy the Devil is a liar. 
When I'm not following God, then I'm following the Devil. 
God is holy. 
God is pure. 
God is right in all he does. 
I'm selfish and I'd make a terrible God. 
I need God. 
I don't know what is the best in every situation. 
I need to be more concerned about God's reputation and feelings than mine or peoples. 
God's name is great. 
I should be jealous for the honor of God's name. 
Whatever process God used, God is creator of all. 
Jesus is in charge of everything. 
All human authorities are only there because God allows them. In fact God takes credit for using evil leaders to accomplish good. 
We can know God. 
We can know the truth. 
God had told us about himself. 
God is light. 
Jesus said he is the way, the truth and the light. No one can have a relationship with God unless the they come through Jesus. 
Jesus is the only way. 
Every single person chooses of their own free will to turn their back on God their maker. 
God through Christ graciously has forgiven all our evil thoughts and actions. 
The cross is a supreme example of God planning to use the evil intentions of evil men to make the ultimate rescue plan for mankind. 