Thursday, July 04, 2013

Silver Trumpets

Numbers 10:1-10 NLT
Now the Lord said to Moses, “Make two trumpets of hammered silver for calling the community to assemble and for signaling the breaking of camp. When both trumpets are blown, everyone must gather before you at the entrance of the Tabernacle.  But if only one trumpet is blown, then only the leaders—the heads of the clans of Israel—must present themselves to you. “When you sound the signal to move on, the tribes camped on the east side of the Tabernacle must break camp and move forward. When you sound the signal a second time, the tribes camped on the south will follow. You must sound short blasts as the signal for moving on. But when you call the people to an assembly, blow the trumpets with a different signal. Only the priests, Aaron’s descendants, are allowed to blow the trumpets. This is a permanent law for you, to be observed from generation to generation. “When you arrive in your own land and go to war against your enemies who attack you, sound the alarm with the trumpets. Then the Lord your God will remember you and rescue you from your enemies. Blow the trumpets in times of gladness, too, sounding them at your annual festivals and at the beginning of each month. And blow the trumpets over your burnt offerings and peace offerings. The trumpets will remind the Lord your God of his covenant with you. I am the Lord your God.”
About ten hours ago, when I read Numbers 10 I was excited to read about the silver trumpets. Hearing the trumpets through the camp was to be a regular reminder of God's promise. Sounds of trumpets, sights of the cloud and pillar of fire, and the smells of sacrifice and incense all served to constantly remind the people of God's promises. That coupled with the taste of manna and quail made the life of the Israelites unique and blessed.
But the hearts of men are hard and easily distracted. You'd think they'd not be able to forget God's blessings. But they grumble, they complain, and they imagine a couple of years on from the Exodus that slavery in Egypt was better than living in the presence of God.
But when their mind is going down the negative path of return to Egypt the Silver Trumpets call out and draw their attention in the direction of the Tabernacle. With their gaze now fixed towards the dwelling place of God, they see the pillar of cloud and smell the smoke of sacrifice. The heart is cheered and promise of God the rescuer is remembered.
The same Silver Trumpets that announce a peace offering, is the sound that declares war, and says in the same way, I'll take care of you my children. When the Silver Trumpets welcome the first of the month or when the joy of celebration is echoing through the camp, the Trumpeter is hoping a new event of gladness would call on his services for God encouraged the trumpets to be used at nearly any excuse.
We can't be reminded enough that God keeps his promises.
What sound serves as a Silver Trumpet call for your heart?
We all need a call to prayer. We need reminders every glad time. Listen. Listen and make the sound of birds, hear the call of the shift change at the local factory, hear the bells on Sunday or even the sirens of the city and let these sounds remind you of God's good grace.
What sound will call you to remember and trust your God' your  provider and rescuer?

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