Saturday, April 02, 2005

Missed it completely!

Today is April the 2nd and I guess that means nothing to most of the folks I know here. Back in the States I would be recovering from some stupid April fools joke. But people seem to be a bit more serious or something. I will admit I am on day four of being sick! This head cold has got a grip and it is not letting go. I am trying to get rest and drink plenty of liquids. But still I'm sick! I HATE being sick. When I'm sick I'm pitiful, I can't do anything, I'm grumpy. For four days my important list of things to get done has been on hold. That does not mean people have not kept coming and asking me for this or that or talking to me or calling or visiting. It just means I've been pitiful. I don't do sick well. In fact if I were Job I'd not make it. Oh Lord please be merciful to this wimp. What I missed was anything about April fools day. Were you a fool or fooled on the first of April? Tell me about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Bill,
I hate being sick aswell...
As I told you I was sick for about 6 months or so and even now I am some what sick, but it's only my throat, but still it's not great having it!!
