Thursday, December 29, 2005


I decided to get involved in a book my daughter gave me as a Christmas present. I started it yesterday and finished it today. I like that I can read and take great joy in a good story. It fills me with hope! I was getting increasingly low before the book even though I was trying to do all the right things.

I shaved most of my beard today but left a rather large and very bushy goatee. I'm sure most people will not like it but that doesn't bother me much. I am far more than what people see. I was thinking of having my hair cut too.

I have not accomplished nearly as many things this break as I would have hoped. I think our life ,like the tides or the seasons, comes in patterns that follow the moon and sun. This time of year for me seems often to be a time of not ending as I would have liked but still very hopeful for the new year. I would be very interested in what others were hoping to change in the new year.

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