Tuesday, January 10, 2006

An Update

Lyssa wrote:

This morning Bill saw the ear, nose and throat specialist again to discuss results of the CT scan. The doctor said there were some things that needed to be looked into. The vocal cord is still paralysed but there is not an obvious cause. The doctor looked into the area again this morning with a special camera on a probe and the tissue itself didn't look unhealthy. He explained that the nerves to the vocal cords come from different places in the chest area, so a problem along the nerve route could affect one or the other vocal cord. And the CT scan showed spots in the chest and lungs. So Bill is being referred as a priority case to a chest specialist. The doctor also took a needle biopsy this morning of a gland in the neck. The CT scan also showed some problems with some lymph glands but the doctor said these were not alarming.

The next steps at this point are:

Bill sees the chest specialist. He should hear about an appointment soon.

Bill is referred to a vocal therapist.

Bill has an appointment for 6 weeks from now with the same ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist. Depending on the results from the chest specialist the ENT may do an exploratory procedure in his neck/throat under general anaesthesia.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Bill of course this all sounds very scary, but I am trusting the Lord as I have been telling JoAnne all day. We have so many things that challenges us to trust, but He is good and in every circumstance we do need to trust and we will keep on praying.
Love you all, Mom
Oh we are at Grandma Jeans and her phone is out and all our cells don't work. Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to call.