Monday, April 15, 2013

Spock versus Kirk?

Jeremiah 4:3-4, 14, 18-19 NLT
This is what the Lord says to the people of Judah and Jerusalem: “Plow up the hard ground of your hearts! Do not waste your good seed among thorns. O people of Judah and Jerusalem, surrender your pride and power. Change your hearts before the Lord, or my anger will burn like an unquenchable fire because of all your sins.
O Jerusalem, cleanse your heart that you may be saved. How long will you harbor your evil thoughts?
“Your own actions have brought this upon you. This punishment is bitter, piercing you to the heart!” My heart, my heart—I writhe in pain! My heart pounds within me! I cannot be still. For I have heard the blast of enemy trumpets and the roar of their battle cries.
We say we live in a an age of reason. And yet our science fiction still sees a need for the heart. Passion versus proof, gut verses intellect, these are the arguments of our day just as they have been since the dawn of time.
Constantly Kirk on Star Trek is going with his gut (Interestingly the gut was the seat of emotions in antiquity in some cultures rather than the heart). And whether its David of Prometheus or Data of Star Trek the desire to be more human always involves possessing a heart that feels but it is held in check by logic.
So many times I and my Christian friends know the truth, we can recite the answer but our hearts are far from God.
To be sure if we had all the information and the proper perspective our intellect would still not always choose God.
Why? Passion! The heart and its desires often overrule the mind.
God is asking us to do something about our hearts.
God's people would not stray from thier collision course with God's judgment.
Their hearts were hard.
God and Jeremiah have broken hearts over the impeding doom.
Whatever side of the passion versus logic divide you find yourself you will need to turn both over to God.
God wants your mind and heart.
Nothing less will suffice.
Will you heed this warning and soften your heart towards God?
"And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength." Deuteronomy 6:5 NLT

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