Thursday, April 06, 2006

Where's the fruit?

So what are we looking for here folks? We are looking for good fruit. What does it look like? Where does it come from? How will we know it is from the Lord? Are we fruit inspectors? Should we be asking ourselves if this or that is good or bad fruit? Do we know? Fruit sounds like an end product. Sometimes the process seems a bit messy but ends up with a good outcome, was that good fruit? If someone thinks the messy process is off putting for them could they deem that as bad fruit before they know the outcome.
Recently Daniel said most of this is shades of grey dad, But it if the shady stuff produces bad fruit it was black as sin. What is bad fruit?

Denying God. Disobeying his word. Distrusting his the truth he has revealed. Thinking we know better than God. Wanting other peoples stuff, envy, greed, jealously, pride, selfishness, anger, malice, lust, hopelessness. Denying God is good. Denying God is in control.

So what is good fruit, affriming by my actions and my thoughts that God is good, that he is in control, that he cares about his children.

1 comment:

FaithChristine said...

Wow...Bill, this and the "Never alone..." posts hit my heart. Good stuff. Thanks so much for your encouragement. I'm trusting God to produce good fruit out of the messiness of life and relationships right now. Love you all dearly! ~ Faith