Daily thoughts on the world's most profound insights of the human condition as discovered in the Bible by William Bode. The Bible is about Jesus from Genesis to Revelation and everything in between. When I read the Bible I see the most honest view of my heart and human condition. Be careful--after you get past the poor grammar, bad spelling and punctuation there is some life changing truth I'm uncovering every day! 'the following' are people of The Way, those who claim to be following Jesus.
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
CHOCOLATE QUIZ made by Lyssa
1. | Who were the first people known to have used cacao? | |
2. | In what part of the world was cacao first grown? | |
3. | How were cacao seeds first used? | |
4. | Europeans from which country first shipped cacao from its place of origin back to Europe? | |
5. | In what century? | |
6. | What did they add to the drink which changed forever the way it was used? | |
7. | In what country did chocolate become a state monopoly that could only be consumed by the royal court? | |
8. | What happened in the 1800s which made chocolate cheaper and therefore available for the masses? | |
9. | In what decade was the first solid chocolate bar developed for snacking? | |
10. | Which botanist gave chocolate its scientific name? | |
11. | And what was that name? What is its literal translation into English? | |
12. | T/F Chocolate was used to treat haemorrhoids (piles). | |
13. | T/F Chocolate was used to ease childbirth pains. | |
14. | What shape are the pods containing the cacao seeds? | |
15. | How many seeds are in an average pod? | |
16. | How many milk chocolate candy bars does that make? | |
17. | How many cacao harvests are there per year? | |
18. | T/F Cacao is related to the coconut tree. | |
19. | T/F Cacao is related to the coca plant (cocaine source). | |
20. | Which country produces roughly 40% of the world’s supply of cacao? | |
21. | Which country imports & grinds the most cacao? | |
22. | Which country consumes the most chocolate per person (10 kg per person per year)? | |
23. | What is the world’s best selling chocolate candy bar? | |
24. | What is the best selling chocolate bar in Britain? | |
25. | Cacao beans are fermented for how long after harvesting? | |
26. | What irritating little creature, also found in Britain, pollinates cacao flowers? | |
27. | Which environmental conditions are best for growing cacao plants? | |
28. | How many varieties of cacao plant are there? | |
29. | What is your favourite chocolate candy? | |
30. | Which country in the world makes the best chocolates? | |
| TOTAL: | |
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Keeping up
Today is Thursday and on Thursday we have awaken to the grey skies of a typical English spring. Yesterday while walking around the countryside of the Rivlen valley with Bethany School on walk "C" I thought I had been transported to some other warm sunny beautiful place. It was the euphoria of a sunny day out that made us think about holidays (vacations to you yanks). The Bode's have never been annual holiday takers. We just have not been able to afford it. And we have always combined "ministry" with time way. Most of all our children rarely get a proper holiday. The kind where you go somewhere to relax and don't do anything and don't have a schedule to keep to. A place in the sun. When they were quite young one time we went camping. I thought it was a holiday but Lyssa did not think so. One time we went to stay in Chicago, but to try and save money we stayed at a cockroach infested apartment where the kids were sleeping on the floor covered in roaches. Yuck!!!!!
One time we had our best holiday ever, but sadly not with the kids. My folks took us to Mexico, to an island called Cozemel. Wow, that was great!!!!
So yesterday Emily was begging to have us as a family go to Corfu an Island off Greece. She was looking at pictures. And she was looking for flights and hotels.
We have and do lots of things. Things, many people will never get to do, try, see, hear, experience. Maybe if we can get ourselves more financial footed or find a real steal of a deal the Bode's can have a week or two in the sun just relaxing.
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Time Zones
I have friends that live in other time zones. Do you know what that is like? I suppose you do if you are reading this you may be my friend and live in another time zone.
Right now it is
06:00 in EST Michigan and the East coast of America
12:00 in Belgium
05:00 in CST Chicago Illinois and the Midwest
21:02 is the time for my friend in Australia
Here is a link to a clock that covers people I know.
Friday, March 18, 2005
I'm with guys from our church in Keswick, Cumbria. This is a beautiful area refered to as the Lake District, the place prefered by Wordsworth. I am here learning about the Puratins. Specifically we are reading John Owens on the Holy Spirit. Please pray for up 8 guys.
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Dietary supplements?
For as long as I can remember Jean has taken a
cocktail of vitamins. Although this is not strictly true. I think I vaguely remember Grandma Jean crediting herelixir
of longevity to our octogenarian German immigrant retired agricultural working neighbors, Bernie and Hertha. They took vitamins too.Sometime in my fathers life before he was my current age he started taking vitamins each day.
My dad is happy, I suppose my g-ma would be too.
One of the large capsules I down each day is cod liver oil. My older English friend remembers having to take that each day. I recently with in the past week saw an article suggesting because the English diet now contain so little fish that the population was becoming quite deficient in omega-3 fatty thing-a-ma-bobs. Sounds heinous.
Among the concoctian I administer myself is a couple of herbs Echinatia.
So the big question of the moment is, "Do you take dietary supplements?" Do you think they are any good for you?
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Sorted or sordid?
According to the Compact Oxford English Dictionary;
sorted• adjective Brit.organized; arranged. 2 emotionally well balanced.
sordid • adjective involving ignoble actions and motives. 2 dirty or squalid. —
DERIVATIVES sordidly adverb sordidness noun—
ORIGIN Latin sordidus from sordere ‘be dirty’
To my ear not only do these two words sound similar but they seem to me to be related. You may even see them as opposites. At the very least you can infer that a person who is sordid will not be very sorted at the truest level of what it means to be well balanced.
Often we see tidiness akin to cleanliness, and I can understand why.
If nothing else we ought to try and pronounce the words we are using so that the confusion won't exist.
You could say, My friend is sordid. Or speaking about a future engagement that has terribly gone wrong because the person you were booking the entertainment and venue through turns out to be a child molester. So a friend asks( not knowing of the sordid affair) how the plans are going and you reply, "It's sordid", But your friend hears, "It's sorted" and figures you have all the details worked out.
The problem arises from a situation where a bunch of scum bags are meticulously planning some vile event and then they would have to say, "the sordid affair is sorted."
Sunday, March 13, 2005
a couple of things
Have you even heard about the King James Debate? Well this is an interesting bit of information for those who have.
Earlier today I nearly beat all the levels of this Disney Princess game, even after Bethany left me here all alone.
The US and UK sites are different!
Oh go to fun and games, Princess Challenge is the game.
Last time I was in London I saw this:
Pretty cool.
And this is a great site!!!!!
House church
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
House church is an informal term for a group of Christians gathering regularly or spontaneously in a home instead of a building dedicated to the purpose. Another term with the same meaning is "home church".
Some groups meet like this because they lack a conventional church building; but these are not normally regarded as house churches. Others meet in homes because they prefer to meet informally, or because they believe meeting in a home is the true pattern set in the first century and intended by Christ. Some, perhaps, meet in homes for several of these reasons.
Structure and organisation
House churches should not be confused with "cell churches". A house church is not normally part of a larger, overseeing organization, although the group may associate informally with other Christians and house churches in networks reflecting equality rather than hierarchy. Those who meet in house churches regard themselves as belonging to the worldwide Church, but are self-governing and independent.
Some house churches have a conventional leadership structure, others have none. A commonly held belief in the modern day house church "movement" is that the Protestant Reformation did not go far enough to demonstrate a New Testament belief in the "priesthood of all believers" and that Jesus Christ alone is the Head of the Church which is the body of Christ. This movement has been gaining momentum worldwide in both industrialized countries such as Australia, Germany, the UK and the USA, and in third world countries.
The absence of hierarchical leadership structures in many house churches, while often viewed by the Protestant church at large as a sign of anarchy or rebelliousness to authority, is actually viewed by many in the house church movement to be the most viable way to come under true spiritual authority of love, relationships, and the visible dominion of Jesus Christ as Head of His own bride. Some within the house church "movement" therefore consider the term house church to be a misnomer, because the main issue within people who practice their faith in this manner is not the house but more the type of meeting that takes place; other titles which are sometimes used to describe this movement more functionally are "simple church", "relational church", "primitive church", "bodylife", "organic church" and similar terms.
The house church movement also owes much of its networking and exchange of information to the use of the internet; HC is generally used as an abbreviation for 'House Church' and IC is used to designate "Institutional Church" which is the generalized term for more traditional church structures, including a church building and/or sermon-centered church services led by a pastor or minister.
As a rule, house church gatherings are free, informal, and sometimes include a shared meal. It is hoped that everyone present will feel free to contribute to the gathering as and when they sense the leading of the Holy Spirit to do so. Leadership structures range from no official leaders, to a plurality of appointed elders; however, there is a deliberate attempt within most house churches to minimize the leadership of any one person, and so having one pastor or leading elder is generally frowned upon, in favor of a more plural responsibility of leadership diffused over several people or the members as a whole.
Origins and history
The origins of this movement are varied. Some consider it a new variety of the Plymouth Brethren movement, others recognise a relationship to the Quakers or see it as resulting from the writings of Gene Edwards ( http://www.seedsowers.com ). There is also an argument that the house church movement is a re-emergence of the move of the Holy Spirit during the Jesus Movement of the 70's in the USA ( http://www.one-way.org ) or the worldwide Charismatic Renewal of the late 60's and 70's. Most see it as simply New Testament church Restorationism ( http://www.ntrf.org ), urging Christians to return from hierarchy and rank to practices described in the Bible ( http://www.century-one.co.uk ). The house church movement may in some ways be considered a cousin of the Emerging Church movement.
Probably there is no single factor, but all the threads noted above have contributed to the growth of house churches.
Friday, March 11, 2005
Backwards and Black Pudding!
Backwards and Black Pudding!
A full English breakfast often consists of the largest portion of grease you could ever consume in a meal in the UK. And in among the ham and tomatoes will be two dark discs. Here in England they go by the name of black pudding but where I'm from we called a spade a spade, and so we call them blood sausage. There are a lot of nutrients in blood. And we can be glad of that. But somehow the idea of making it into a sausage isn't very appealing. This morning in Manchester airport my mum bought her and I the famed Full English Breakfast, complete with tomatoes and black pudding. The grease sunk to the pit of my sensitive stomach like a depth charge sinking below the cold waters of the North Sea down toward a German U boat. So with an over full feeling I boarded the train. Now I should mention at this point I can get motion sickness lying in bed, let alone all the times it has plagued me on boats, airplanes, coaches and cars. So when on a train I try to ride facing forward. It seems to help me not get sick. Well following the gut wrenching saying goodbye and the intense Full English Breakfast the train I was scheduled to take was canceled and twice as many people crammed on the train to Manchester Piccadilly. I was left with a backward facing seat. I thank God for the, "All change for Sheffield!" called out to me from the tannoy. So was the welcomed brisk air as I stepped out on the platform and like a dog riding in a pick-up truck with his face to the wind I was once again invigorated and less queasy. So I found the platform I needed and waited for the Train to Sheffield. A loud group of woman apparently coming back from some holiday some where warm looked like they had wrestled with far too many Full English Breakfasts and won triumphantly like Sumo wrestler pinning a African famine survivor. I was actually getting a bit cold so I waited for a few minutes while trying to type this out on my phone in a warm shelter and nearly missed the arrival of my train. Also while waiting I noticed a woman walk up to where I have been sitting and smoke like a chimney presumably her last cigarette before the train came right in the spot I had been sitting. I was glad I wasn't there any more. I had , had enough cigarette smoke and pipe smoke during the Full English Breakfast. My father always seems to find a seat in the worst location. And there were all these smokers nervous about flying trying to get as much smoking in before boarding the plan. She was also talking loud on a mobile phone, which was all the more reason to be glad I was in the warming shelter. When the train arrived I walked to what I thought would be the quiet and less populated front of the train. So I got on and looked for a seat. I wanted some space and I wanted to finish typing out this blog. So I chose a forward facing seat in a foursome with a table and I chose the aisle seat. It wasn't too crowded when I first got on. Some people were coming from the rear cars of the train looking for a seat. And Mrs. Gravel voice chimney asked if she could sit down across from me. I could smell her smoky breath and the smoke that clung to her clothes. I said sure that would be fine I was traveling alone. I was quite tired and decided to finish with the blog. I stretched out my legs because she took the window seat facing backward spread out her things on the table and I leaned back and closed my eyes. "Next Stop Sheffield!" Wow I must have slept for the whole hour and a half! I realized the train was nearly in the station in Sheffield and I was heading for Norwich and parts unknown if I didn't rise from my slumber get myself together and get off the train. I stood up; I cleared my head; I said sorry for the snoring to Miss Chimney and stepped off the train back in Sheffield just in the nick of time with nearly none of the normal standing waiting anticipation. Watch Out for being backwards on a train after the Black Pudding!
It has been a month (maybe a life time) of short nights followed by early mornings. This morning's reason for a short night is the departure of my parents. Last night at our church meeting we had a really especially great time of singing, prayer and studying the Bible. At the end of the meeting Tim gave each home a "Minute Bible" and said we could all read a page each day and this way we could all talk about the things we have been reading. Today's reading was about joy. I should be full of joy, and in fact I am. So much good has happen over the past few months. I am a new man in Christ and in these past few months my wonderful church family has helped me discover that a fresh. We have our settlement visa and I can work. I have enjoyed the best visit with my folks ever here in England. And yet I am typing out this entry on my phone while sitting here next to my mum in the airport. I'm waiting to say goodbye. Being separated from my folks isn't easy especially for my kids. We have a close family and we all love the Lord. My Parents are great examples of faith. And we are divided by the Atlantic. So I must have joy even in saying goodbye. And this we do for the sake of the kingdom, being confident of our burden and calling to help plant churches in Belgium.
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Growing love!
We've been sold a lie. Somehow we have been made to think that love is an exclusive emotion we direct towards one person and more importantly that special person directs towards us. But love, true love, is not simply a good feeling nor is it all that dependent on the object of its attention. We can quite amazingly love the unlovely regardless of thier response. And actually you can feel the genuine warmth of love when you love not for what you can get but when you begin to see people from God's point of view. Selflessly caring about people as we see them amazingly uniquely reflecting thier creator and having needs which we too have. I knew this love for the world but had lost it for a long time because my eyes were on me and on how I thought others viewed me. I failed to see God. I could only see others in a very limited selfish way. Seeing God as he is and myself as he does frees me to know real love for others.
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Bird song at half four
Lying in bed with the window open, I hear some beautiful and enthusiastic birds singing. So after a quick trip to the loo and a check of the email I take my trusty Nokia 6230 and click out a thought or two. (Lyssa just rolls over and asks what I'm doing and she is more sweet than the birds.) Although I get to live in England's 4th largest city {in a country with a population density of more than 600 people per sq mile} it sounds more like a small village. Truly the birds rule the pre-dawn soundscape outside my bedroom window. [unfortunately my computer cooling fan sometimes rules the sounds of my interior, surely they can make them quieter, not to mention the horrible sound using a mobile to key out an email makes]. Ain't no bird gonna sing in my place all my life I'm gonna sing His holy praise, gonna sing his holy praise all my life I'm gonna sing God's holy praise.
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
The big blue robe with more clothe
Sunday, March 06, 2005
Walking to Forge Dam
Oh and as Iwas looking for links for you to see about my walk Sus came on and chatted with me a bit. She sent me the following link http://www.bobsmiley.com/
Saturday, March 05, 2005
Please could I be turning into my Dad?!
Are your thoughts broken?
Philippians 4 or if you prefer in dutch Filippenzen 4
8 And now, dear brothers and sisters, let me say one more thing as I close this letter.
Fix your thoughts on what is true and honorable and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.
A person who has stayed in my home and who I have recently been chatting with online.
Many of you who know me may know this is my friend from the Land Down Under, Brooke Gorman. House guest and house sitter of the Bode family. She is a partner in crime participating among the family called the Sharrow Crowded House. We miss her. But we are glad for her adventures around the globe because we get to travel by proxy. Come back soon!
Something wrong with the 007 image
Or have they all been like this and I have just woke up enough to see it?
Beginning to Blog
So we, (the Queen can refer to herself in the third person plural so why can't I?) begin this road of trying to record thoughts, reflections, and musings for the digital posterity or maybe to maintain a good outlook. I must admit though it was my photos and a look back at those and some attempts to organize them that moved me to start a blog.
and they sit and wait after calling me to supper so I shall have to leave...